As the beloved comedy series Parks and Recreation draws to a close in its upcoming season, an exciting announcement has been made. Hulu picked up a brand new show to be produced by Parks and Recreation’s Amy Poehler and Dave Becky (Louie). You won’t be waiting for your Amy Poehler-humor fix for too long; the show is set to commence production early next year. This half hour comedy is the latest from Hulu’s original series which right now include Casual and 11/22/63.
Difficult People will be set in New York City and star Julie Klausner and Billy Eichener as two best friends that are struggling comedians in the Big Apple, trying to figure out why people don’t like them.
Want to watch something funny now? How about having a taste of Amy Poehler’s humour by watching Parks of Recreation? It’s a hilarious series that follows the relentlessly optimistic government employee, Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), as she strives to fix the American political system and move up the government ladder while improving all those around her. You will definitely laugh at the hard headed Ron Swanson (played by Nick Offerman), shake your head at the crazy antics of Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari), and eventually fall in love with the whole parks department of Pawnee.
You can check out Parks and Recreation Netflix, iTunes, Hulu, and Vudu but only in limited regions. Unavailable in your region? That’s okay! Simply use any one of these proxy providers to watch Parks and Recreation from anywhere in the world!
Unblock Everything on Netflix, Spotify, Hulu and More:In the meantime, here is a video of Nick Offerman reading tweets from young female stars, just to give you a taste:
My girlfriend got me into Parks and Rec and I actually really like it and am bummed its ending. I’ll probably give this show a try. Is Nick Offerman gonna be in it? That would make it 1000000x better for sure
Love Amy Poehler! What an incredible female comedian. She is genuinely funny and beautiful! I’m excited to watch Difficult People! I was so sad Parks was ending, I had no idea she had another project in the works. Oh, and Nick Offerman, don’t even get me started, hilarious. My dream man.